2022 恐怖片 恐怖
2022 恐怖片 恐怖

A young couple take their first foreign holiday together. Yet, behind the couple's happy smiles lies a hidden desire. They turn to a mysterious local woman for help, but the truth of the situation is more destructive than they feared.

2022 恐怖片 恐怖

“推理女王”在作品中抽丝剥茧,而自身却是谜团重重:三集纪录片《阿加莎·克里斯蒂:解密悬疑女王》从阿加莎的作品入手,深入探索这位作家隐秘的热爱、恐惧、信仰、以及她生活的动荡时代。   在历史学家露西·沃斯利(Lucy Worsley)看来,著名侦探小说家阿加莎·克里斯蒂(Agatha Christie)用精心打造的公众形象隐藏了“真实的自己”。阿加莎的生活和作品反映了20世纪的社会剧变,作为公众人物声名远扬,而她的真实性格却令人难以捉摸。露西·沃斯利深挖这位侦探小说家的相关资料与作品,试图找到更多的线索,解开阿加莎·克里斯蒂自身的谜团。

2022 恐怖片 恐怖

Amber Gray catches the attention of an elite group of students during her first semester at university. During the initiation, Amber and the York Witches' Society unintentionally awaken an ancient evil that has been waiting to finish the job it started centuries earlier.

2022 恐怖片 恐怖


2022 恐怖片 恐怖

Filming a vampire flick in an old, abandoned manor house should have worked like a dream, but the film crew is out of their depth, over schedule and desperate to get the shoot finished and go home.However, as the moon turns full, the nightmare begins. Blood flows and the body count rises as cast and crew meet the manor’s resident werewolf…”

2022 恐怖片 恐怖

一部涉及缓刑官凯茜·麦登(Cathy Madden)的惊悚片,她的任务是让臭名昭著的杀手 "血腥 "玛丽-莱德洛(Mary Laidlaw)在入狱20年后重新回到社会。凯西一直相信每个客户都应该有机会得到救赎,但当两个孩子在玛丽的农场附近失踪时,她的信念受到了严峻的考验。

2022 恐怖片 恐怖
2022 恐怖片 恐怖
Following the death of his wife, a broken man spirals into an abyss of night tremors and depression and finds himself in the home of a deranged cannibal who convinces him to take his own life in the most horrific way imaginable.
2022 恐怖片 恐怖

A newly married woman leaves her wealthy husband for a lover who mysteriously disappears. Things start to unravel and become life-threatening on a trip to the husband’s family estate.

2022 恐怖片 恐怖
Popstar Oliver Sim is the main guest of a talk-show that soon slides into a surreal journey of love, shame and blood. A three-part musical short.
2022 恐怖片 恐怖

When the remains of two murdered Princes are discovered at the Tower of London, a troubled Priest must put his beliefs aside to befriend a mysterious prisoner, who has supernatural powers to communicate with the dead. Together they must solve the mystery of who murdered the Princes, as prisoners in the castle dungeon meet their bloody fates at the hands of the Princes' ghosts, ...

2022 恐怖片 恐怖

After accepting a job at a low-rent pornographers, a feisty young woman must fight to survive against an ancient evil intent on killing everyone in its path.

2022 恐怖片 恐怖

  West Point cadet Edgar Allan Poe and four other cadets on a training exercise in upstate New York are drawn by a gruesome discovery into a forgotten community.

2022 恐怖片 恐怖


2022 恐怖片 恐怖
A young couple take their first foreign holiday together. Yet, behind the couple's happy smiles lies a hidden desire. They turn to a mysterious local woman for help, but the truth of the situation is more destructive than they feared.