2018 恐怖片 剧情
2018 恐怖片 恐怖


2018 恐怖片 恐怖
Laura Alonso is a Spanish lawyer from Madrid who arrives Democratic Republic of Congo (center of Africa) after to watch a photo where Sara, her younger sister, appears alive after two years without clues about her location. Looking for contacts, Laura realize that Sara was photographed in the region of Goma, one of the most troubled zones of the country due to the warlords and their inner war by the possession of the coltan, a so much appreciated and expensive mineral to export across the world. Determined to go until the end despite not knowing the country nor the language, Laura contacts Sergio Rojas, a Latin businessman, to get the way to travel Goma. But after to discover the real interests of Sergio, Laura asks help Sven, a former part-time Saras lover, to go Goma. Sven finds Jamir, a young former war-child who reluctant accept Lauras offer to help her. Together they both start a journey from Kinsasa (DR of Congos capital) to Goma. Along the travel, Lauras life not only will ...
2018 恐怖片 恐怖
This time, horror comes fron the other side
2018 恐怖片 恐怖
Mónica adores her daughter Clara. One day, the teenager is found unconscious and in a coma, a coma that even the doctors cant explain. Anxious, filled with pain and driven by desperation, Monica would do anything to save her and bring her back to life. Even something that could cause unexpected consequences... David Victori dives into the supernatural horror thriller realm to present his debut, and he does it by being at ease with all the elements of the genre. He introduces a story that shows the darkness we all have inside, bringing the characters to the emotional verge. Elegant and filled with a suggestive atmosphere, combining subtle hints and suspense traces, the film is enhanced by the performances of the charismatic Belén Rueda and Darío Grandinetti. Victori has already achieved a lot, he is a winner of Youtube’s Film Festival and made a web series, Zero (2015), which was produced by Ridley Scott and Michael Fassbender. The Pact is yet another exciting new step in his journey as filmmaker.
2018 恐怖片 恐怖
A shocking assault inspires horrific violence when a group of teens encounters a girl from their school while camping in a remote spot.
2018 恐怖片 恐怖
2018 恐怖片 恐怖
★取材自西班牙骇人实验新闻。 ★打破西语系鬼片票房纪录。 「清醒比睡著 更容易撞见鬼」研究指出;长期不睡觉,思维会错乱。精神游走在一种半剥离的灵界状态,容易看到根本不存在的东西。 1980年代,性格古怪的实验家-艾玛,喜欢挑战人体极 限。她的最新实验是进行长时间不阖眼,观察知觉达到临界点的变化;她们选在废弃的精神病医院裡进行实验,众人透过排练舞台剧保持清醒状态。 碧昂卡是新位掘起的女演员,为了更多曝光机会,也参与实验,但不知名的力量在医院中扩散,悄悄地将众人推向幽暗的悲剧…