2011 欧美剧 欧美

Meet an annoying French prankster from the Middle Ages, witness bizarre Aztec food on Historical Masterchef, see what happens when Queen Elizabeth I needs the toilet, and learn how not to impress a woman in Victorian times.

2011 欧美剧 欧美

“他们带你进去,她将让你说出一切”   金发美女Brenda meijubar.net Leigh Johnson是一位从亚特兰大调职到洛杉矶的警察局副局长。Brenda所在的部门是LAPD主要处理一些引人注目非常敏感的谋杀案。在这个男性的领域,站在最高峰的Brenda会怎样收服一群骁勇善战的手下?又是怎样让这些骄傲的大男人在危急时刻站在她的身前替她说话?   Brenda的才能只有走进那间审讯室你才会体会到。不管你的嘴巴有多固若金汤,只要你有秘密,美丽的Brenda都会让你滔滔不绝。

2011 欧美剧 欧美

以Sookie去了精灵界开始,在精灵界Sookie遇到了她的爷爷,她爷爷告诉她只是来了两天而已,但是精灵界的两天相当于人界的二十年。   Sookie离开精灵界回到人界,已经是一年后。Sam与一群变形人好友乐得聊天,而Tara则离开了小镇,而此时的Bill已经是路易西安纳州的新王。Eric则隶属于他。而原来Bill则是当权者们派往原来Queen的间谍。   此时的Jessica也与爱郎Hoyt在一起了。而Lafayette与他的同性恋男友则开始参加一些巫师聚会。聚会是由一个热爱魔法的老女人Marnie(本季大反派)所举办。   Marnie召唤出几百年前曾经对吸血鬼进行过大屠杀但最后被烧死的女巫役亡师Antoneo鬼魂。   Bill知道有女巫集会,派Eric去查探,结果在被Antoneo附身的Marnie施展咒语下失忆,开车回家的Sookie发现了失忆的Eric,...

2011 欧美剧 欧美
男人也许铸就了历史,他们建立了文明,发明了太多东西,但身处这个时代他们越来越发现这不再仅仅是个男人的世界。Mike Baxter是一个知名户外运动商店的市场总监,事业上他是个出色的男人,但回到家,这里的一切却由女人主宰着——他的妻子Vanessa和三个女儿,22岁的Kristin、17岁的Mandy和14岁的Eve。Vanessa在做了很多年的主妇后回到了工作上并很快就升职了,随着工作量的增加Mike不得不在女儿们身上花更多的心思,于是女儿和老爸之间的好戏就上演了。
2011 欧美剧 欧美
Almost Heroes is a fast-paced, single camera comedy about coming home again... when home is the last place you ever thought you’d end up.                                                                    When seemingly slick and together Terry returns from Harvard business school for his father’s funeral, he expects it to be a quick trip down memory lane. But when he discovers the family comic book store is almost bankrupt, and he’s to blame, things get more complicated.  His head-in-the-clouds brother Peter is going to lose the store without help, and as far apart as they’ve grown, Terry can’t abandon his brother when he needs him most.                                                                    Now ‘all-business’ Terry and ‘all-fun’ Peter have to work together to save the store, and mend a relationship that has been broken for years. It’s an ongoing battle as Terry tries to get Peter to grow up and take responsibility, while Peter tries to get Terry to get back in touch with the inner child he turned his back on years ago.                                                                    Along with their larger-than-life best friend Bernie, who clearly carries a torch for Terry, they just try and keep themselves above water every week. Along the way this season they’ll face angry bikers, psychotic children, pirates, serial killers, love gone wrong, a medieval battle, and even a guy who shoots himself out of a cannon.                                                                    Before long we begin to see that even though Terry was only staying to save Peter, it might be Peter who does the saving. As much as Terry tries to deny it, the store might be where he belongs.
2011 欧美剧 欧美
在即將到來的第四季,你可以期待看到更多的女巫、巫術崇拜者、變形怪(Shape Shifters)、以及一名新狼人角色。在女王Sophie Anne和Bill之間的那令人懸著一顆心的對抗/爭鬥/爭吵將並不僅僅發生在他們兩人之間了,將有第三方的介入。(究竟是誰,Ball堅持保持懸念。)在第四季,將會有Tara和Pam一起的戲。Hoyt和Jessica的你儂我儂的戀情將會遇到不好的轉折。Chris Bauer的角色Andy Bellefleur警長將會開始他對於V的嘗試。(V在《真愛如血》的世界類似於像海洛因的毒品。)艾倫·鮑爾依舊堅持,在《真愛如血》中,Bill和Sookie才是「靈魂伴侶」。(這可是讓Sookie-Eric和Sookie-Alcide的粉絲們不太開心。)艾倫·鮑爾確定,菲奧娜·肖(Fiona Shaw)和蓋瑞·科爾(Gary Cole)將繼續客串第四季。Godric和Russell Edgington也都將在第四季回歸。《真愛如血》第四季的第一集將於美國東部時間6月26日晚9點在HBO電視台播出。